Completed RPA Developer course

Hi @loginerror

I have completed role based training in academy, so where can download my certificate.
Could you please help on the same.


Hi @rajsekhar,
If I good remember it should be available somewhere in your profile.

Hello Raj,

The download page will appear, did you finish your survey?

Hi @srdjan.suc
i think no, where can i see survey page

In each individual course you have survey after which you can download your diplomas.
Since you completed 9 courses you should be able to download 9 diplomas.

If you are maybe referring to Advance Certificate, there is a special exam to obtain that.

Happy learning!

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As soon as you complete your exam then the survey page comes. So once you submit right top corner there will be notification. There you can download the certificate.


yes, i can get advance training certificate, but i have doubt, do we get RPA developer certificate also?

hi @Snehamayi_Sneha

i can not see survey for this, please below screen for your reference



So when you complete all of these courses the next step is to get certified.

The test contains two parts, first one is theoretical and the second one is practical (you must use ReFramework so be sure you understand it all)

If you successfully complete this you will get your advanced certificate

Click on the individual Course


.click on individual course and download your diploma.
there is no certificate for one role base


also I have completed most of the courses in academy , but badges are not assigned in academy as well as community, anyone knows the reason?