Comparing both the values

I have input value as 1543.34 and application Value as 15,43.34 and i want to compare both the values when comparing both the values not matching since application value has comma in between and if i use replace function to replace comma it will work but next time if there is no comma in the application value it will throw error
how do i dynamically do it

iam saving application value in string

Hi @T_Y_Raju

Then do like this first check the application value has comma or not. If it contains comma then replace the comma and compare with the input value.
For replace expression write like this


Hope it helps!!

Hi @T_Y_Raju

String Manipulations:

  1. First check out if the string contains “,” or not by using Variable.contains(“,") then remove the “,”
  2. Use the “IndexOf” function to check if the value exists in the string. If the function returns a non-negative value, it means the value is present. Then remove using “Remove” function.


  1. Use the “Is Match” activity to check if the value exists. If the match is found, use the “Replace” activity to remove the value from the string.

Split and Join:

  1. Use the “Split” function to split the string into an array. If the value exists in the array then use the “Join” function to join the substrings back into a single string.

Hope it helps.