Comparing 2 strings usign wildcard

Lets say I take the url of a website and call it variable “URL”

URL can be any thing like:

I want to use a switch condition

case when URL = “" then do action 1
case when URL = "
” then do action 2

how should i type the condition expression , in my case case when URL = “*” . Considering I have a wild card * which i am not bothered with what comes after that.

is this possible?

@wzlim1024 You can use any of the string functions like URL.Startswith("“) or URL.Contains(”" instead of using wildcard character.

In this case, you will have to go with If Else.


Thanks Sugumar8785!

Can we use switch activities? Its neater if I got 2 conditions or more?

Or if I have more than 2 conditions what should I use ?

case when URL = “ * " then do action 1
case when URL = “ * " then do action 2
case when URL = “ * " then do action 3

@wzlim1024 In that case,

Using IF activity check the URLS , Based on what URL it holds , create 3 variable and assign some unique values for each.

Use them in Switch case.

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