I realize this question has come up multiple times but I have yet been able to solve it as my situation seems to be a little different than the previous posts.
1.) Extract String from Webpage that contains a Date (I already have this done)
2.) Parse out Date From String and Allocate to a Var (I already have this done)
3.) Take Date From String and Compare to Todays Date and Allocate Difference in Days to a Var (This is where I need help)
I am receiving this error message:
Assign : String was not recognized as a valid DateTime
I am using this code in an ‘Assign’ activity to convert string to DateTime which is popping up error:
1.) The Date String I am passing into this (‘vDueDate_String’) is in a ‘MM/dd’yy’ format…this is the format that is in the string that I am parsing out.
Thus, do I need to change the format of this var to the ‘dd-MM’yyyy’ format before putting into the ‘Compare Date’ activity?
Better to search with keywords you will get more accuracy but nevermind i also remember this because i have posted for the same otherwise it is difficult sometime to know the posts which already exists