Tue or false.zip (2.6 KB)
Here I want to compare and array string with string variable.
And display log if both string matching “True” else display “False”
Please find attached xaml file.
Tue or false.zip (2.6 KB)
Here I want to compare and array string with string variable.
And display log if both string matching “True” else display “False”
Please find attached xaml file.
for harmonizing the different cases the condition in your if part should be changed to:
item = Inr.toUpper()
Checking all items on the presence of the Inr value we can also do it without for each as below:
Thank you solved.
Yes. Thank you solved.
maybe following will help in your if condition:
however just debug your flow and analyze the details:
Understanding the 6 Debugging Panels of UiPath in the easiest way possible! - News / Tutorials - UiPath Community Forum
This condition worked thanks.
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