I’m trying to compare two tables of only one column, but I want to compare row 1 of the first table only with row 1 of the second table, the second row of table 1 with the second row of table 2 and so on, I have 20 rows, I can do it with a for each row? this way I compare the first row with all the fields of the table.
Use 2 for each row in datatable activities to iterate
Inside for each
USe an if condition
Hope it helps!!
I have it done this way, but this way it uses the first varlor of the first table and compares it with the whole second table.
I need something like this:
this is my sequence:
After comparing what you want to do?
You want to write the selected rows in a other datatable.
Or you want to get the values of datatable1 in an array.
Could you be more elaborate your query…
yes, I want to compare these data, write them in an excel file and if they are the same, put that they match or not.
Let your DTs be known as:
Dt1 and Dt2
Step 1 Insert a new column for Dt1 called “Match”
Step 2 a for each row for Dt1
Step 3 insert an if Condition,
currentRow(0).ToString.ToUpper.Trim = dt2.Rows(dt1.rows.indexof(CurrentRow))(0).ToString.ToUpper.Trim
Then Branch:
Insert assign
Else Branch:
Insert assign
Hopefully this works/helps,
Follow the below process -
→ Use read range workbook activity to read the excel1 and store in a datatable called dt1.
→ Use another read range workbook activity to read the excel1 and store in a datatable called dt1.
→ Insert Build datatable activity to create a new datatable and add two column to it Column A and status, create a datatable variable called Output_dt for the Build datatable activity as below.
→ Use the assign activity to check the condition by using LINQ Expression
- Assign -> Output_dt = (
From a In dt1
Join b In dt2
On a(0).toString Equals b(0).toString
Select Output_dt.Rows.Add({a(0),"Matched"})
→ Use write range workbook activity to write the Output_dt variable to the excel file, Check the add headers option in the properties.
Check the below workflow for better understanding,
Hope it helps!!