Combining Two Separate Cron Expressions

Hi Guys,

I have a process that need to be triggered in specific 6 time(09.00AM-10.30AM-12.00PM-02.00PM-03.00PM-04.00PM) in every week day.

If there was no 10.30 AM time, then i could apply this schedule with only one cron expression.
(0 0 9,12,14,15,16 ? * MON-FRI *)

But now i should combine two cron expressions in one but i don’t know how ? Is anybody who know here?
(0 0 9,12,14,15,16 ? * MON-FRI *) & (0 30 9 ? * MON-FRI *)

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Did you get any solution?

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Create two separate triggers.

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