Combining excels

I have an excel sheet with 8 columns (1-8).
I need to take the data of column (1-3-4) and append them to another excel sheet with new columns header
How can I add take these columns value from my data table and append them in correct location



newDataTable = sourceDataTable.DefaultView.ToTable(False, "Column1", "Column3", "Column4")

If your Column names are equal in both source and daesination then merge datatable activity works.The three column names must be equal .If your destination contains n number also it can work.

Hi @khaled_emad

arrColumnName = {"Column1","Column3","Column4"}
dt = dt.DefaultView.ToTable(False,arrColumnName)


Hi @khaled_emad

Read the Output excel in out_dt.
Read the input excel in dt.
for each row in dt
Add datarow for out_dt
In the Array you can give {currentrow(“column1”),currentrow(“column3”),currentrow(“column4”)}
Write Range workbook