Combine Excel Sheets Into 1 New Excel File

Hi all,

I have an Excel Workbook with multiple sheets (amount of sheets & sheet names will vary each time). the structure of each sheet is the same (Same 4 columns, just different data):

What I’m trying to do is combine all of these sheets into 1 new Excel Workbook on 1 sheet, with just the headers at the top, and all of the data. So I want each sheet’s data to be copied below the last row on each sheet (no line breaks or spaces between):

I’ve tried doing this with Merge DataTable and Append DataTable, but no luck so far. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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You can use a get sheets , to get the list of sheets and loop in an array to merge . hold on let me send you a sample sequence


Hello @Luecke_Anthony, please find attached as promised (16.8 KB)


Thanks @MasterOfLogic! This is exactly what I was looking for. I understand the logic now. :slight_smile:

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