Cloud Uipath issue

getting the below error while connecting to cloud UiPath, anyone facing same issue ?

{“StatusCode”:500,“StatusDescription”:“InternalServerError”,“Message”:"Response status code does not indicate success: TooManyRequests (429); Substatus: 3200; ActivityId: 44512f77-aa67-4237-a8fd-71b233217e56; Reason: (\nErrors : [\n "Request rate is large. More Request Units may be needed, so no changes were made. Please retry this request later. Learn more: Bing}


same here for us,
it’s a global issue

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any way we can raise ticket with UiPath as logging is not happening at the moment

we have raised a ticket, waiting for response.

Any other customer facing the same issue ?

We did (all clients we have) Seems to be up again though.