Click Selector Problem

in our Ticket System page i have many ticket to (Click) edit , page look like this

to edit ticket i have to open one by one and click Edit, Please see pic.

of course i used click method to implement this ,
but , upon looping the automation, Only 1 Ticket is Processed .

and all because of click activities Only Specific ticket is Mention.

how to do this ?

You have to find all the tickets present in the screen using Find Children activity and then using each element you have to click them. And i can see that each ticket has its own url if then you can scrape the url using Extract Structured Data and then navigate to them and edit your tickets.


ignore ‘Title’ and then check it.

hi @iakshman

can’t when i run the uipath , he do nothing

hi ,
can you show me how to do it,


Is the screen opened in back ground or not ?

hi @Iakshman
what do you mean


After removed the title, you are trying to validate the selector na. So, am just asking whether that browser screen was opened or not ?

Click on UiExplorer and then try with some other attributes and try to make selector dynamic.

Hi @Aupe,

Try this selector once,

Use the unique & other attributes, if the above one is not working :+1:

If you are trying to click the Edit button which is not visible on the screen, use type into with simulate click checked

i tried different ticket# uncheck title , and delete ticket#

but he do nothing

and has error


Try @kaluri solution once. If it is not working then show me two or three tickets selectors . Based on that we will make dynamic selector.

hi @kuluri,
validation is wrong in uipath

Share me screenshot of UiExplorer with the attributes and the HTML tree (Ui Elements)

3 sample selector in diff ticket#




3 sample selector in diff tickett#





Try below one:

Ticket #DMT-*

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it works thanks


Uncheck the CSS-selector and selector other attributes.

Use different attributes which you will find on the right side of uiexplorer tool. You can check and uncheck the attributes.

Refer to below screenshot:

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try this

<html app='chrome.exe' title="Ticket*'/> <p><webctrl css-selector='body>div>div>div>div>div>div>div>span;a;i></p>
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