Click not correct

I have a lot of form’s field to compile but I can’t compile one because it select a different one.

I have to click this, and it’s the only with that label but it goes on another field.

How can I solve it?

Hi @Gabriele_Radici

Please share the selectors details.

Hi @Gabriele_Radici ,

Try using the anchor base activity,


If you are using the modern activity, share the validated selector here as @Baskar_Gurumoorthy suggested.



check it

Hi @Gabriele_Radici

Try to add more anchors, you can add maximum up to 3

This is the selector, I don’t know how to screen while having the selection target opened

And this is the page, it clicks the red section instead the green one

I’m using his label as anchor, and it’s the only one with that text, so it should be correct

@Gabriele_Radici ,

From the screen shot you have shared i could see it is a drop down field. Have you tried to make use of Select Item activity.

If not please try that once.!


thank you.
The problem now is that the string I have to search is not equals as the items but it containes in the item, for example I have to search 047 and the item is 047 - 019

How can i solve this to select the item that contain my string?

Hi @Gabriele_Radici

refer the below thread.

incase its not help you can directly type the value in drop down and select using click or send hot keys.

or you can try with asterisk in selectors.

hope it helps!!!

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@Gabriele_Radici ,

Assume below as your options,

1 abc
3 fhj

And the above 3 are static in the field where you are going to select. Now you have a string containing a part of it like 1/2/3

Assume the variable name is strTst

You can use an expression like

=IF(strTst.contains(“1”),“1 abc”,IF(strTst.contains(“2”),“2 dbh”,IF(strTst.contains(“3”),“3 fhj”,“No valid option found”)))

Next step

Use an if condition to check if it is returning No valid option found, if not pass the variable to select item having the part of string.

Above method works fine when you know the values in the drop down.

Hope the logic makes sense.


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