i want to lick an link in a email body and the below is not working
Hi @punnipah
Can you please provide the string that you are trying to pass to regex and what activities are you using to get the details for mail?
Hi @punnipah check your matches activity. The value extracted from Outlook mail message returns null because your regex did not satisfy to extract the link, or the link was not available.
For each Matches data is not supplied correctly @punnipah Can you check the value in the For each activity
In the For each activity assigned values, what does the matches doing.
what is the output of the matches
sample.xaml (9.7 KB)
Hi @punnipah ,
First check if you are getting any matches. If yes then check the for loop for type argument to be string. But from error I can see no matches are found. SO first print the string that is retreived and then check if you are getting the required values. Also in Get mail check the ‘Is Body HTML’ which will give you any embedded urls out. This should solve the issue