Hey team and Alex (@alexandru.iordan)
I was wondering if you’re thinking about adding more functions (tasks) to the CLI in the near future. Of course, I’d love to see what’s available via the Orchestrator API in the CLI. There’s one task I’d like to promote here that’d open up new opportunities in CI/CD scenarios: To put / get Storage Bucket Content via CLI.
When your CI/CD Pipeline triggers an execution (job run or test run) both could generate artifacts during runtime (during execution on the robot machine). To store these, Storage Buckets offer a simple solution to be incorporated in the workflows. The benefits of this is especially prevalent because the VM/host that is chosen/allocated for the runtime may not (or only via APIs) communicate with the CI/CD tool. Uploading artifacts during runtime to a Storage Bucket from the Robot Machine is simple. Fetching the uploaded content(s) into the Pipeline to potentially process artifacts further (i.e. reporting in ALM tool, for defect management or reporting, monitoring etc.) is the more complex part. Being able to have a new CLI task such as “uipcli bucket get” or potentially also “uipcli bucket put” could be very helpful.
Keen to hearing your thoughts!
Additionally, but this is more towards the Orchestrator Team: Just like GitLab/GitHub-Artifacts it’d be an interesting addition to set an “expiry date” on Storage Bucket content - both on the storage bucket content itself (in Orchestrator), but also via the “Upload Storage File” activity.