I have set up a flow that uses the Exchange Mail Message function, output is list called “maillist” (variable type List).
I would like to throw an expection, in case the list is empty and have added an IF function, where the condition is ‘IsNothing(maillist)’ - or ‘maillist is nothing’ - but it does not throw an exception. If there are no emails in the mailbox, ‘maillist’ contains: ‘List(0) { }’ so technically it is not “nothing”.
How do I make the if statement understand that it is empty?
@NielsOlsen - If List<System.Net.Mail.MailMessage> is Mail_Exc of Exchange Mail Message you can use Mail_Exc.Count if count is zero that means list is empty.
How do I use the Mail_Exc.Count - do you have an example?
Hi @NielsOlsen
use for each item in Maillist
and then use String.IsNullorEmpty(item.ToString)
Ashwin S
Check the count of list along with your existing condition. It solves your case.
This solution still eludes me. I have setup the following:
But when I run it in debug mode, it never enters the for each loop, it just closes the loop and goes to the default exception. I see that “item” is empty:
so why would it not run through the loop as expected?
can you please share the properties screenshot of for each?
Here it is:
I’m guessing I missed something here?
change type argument to mail message and check
Done and I get the same result
Check the count of mail message and print it before for each and check pls.
Are you getting any counts there?
I dont think so, it stops the for each as soon as it starts:
I get this from the message details, not sure if it helps:
“Arguments”: {
“Values”: “System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Net.Mail.MailMessage]”,
“CurrentIndex”: “0”
Have you created the variable for list of mail message (Output of Exchange Mail activity) ?
If not create a variable and initialize it and check please.
Confirm whether you have any count in the list or not?
Put a message box before for each and check the count first. then proceed with for each
I have a variabel for mailist type: List
I have added a message box with “maillist.Count” it gives me “0”
check in if condition and process if you feel easy .
if count >0 proceed with for each else exit the loop saying no count
If there are no emails in maillist, it never attempts to process the IF statement, no matter what I type into it. This is what puzzles me.
Not sure if this is what you meant, but I skiped the for each and just added an IF maillist.Count.ToString() = “0” - and it works now.
Thanks for the help