Check if datatable row is present in Array of string

I need to take each row in my dt to check if any of the row matches with the Array of string .How can i check it.

Kindly help in linq

Hi @tharaninatarajan1901

Can you show us exactly what column do you wanna match with array of string?

My dataTable has words like


My input string will have “hey where is my order”

Code has to check if words from the datatable matches with the input string (not the other way around though)

Kindly help

You Mean all the words in your Datatable, should be in the INput String, or the String could have more words?

No ,Even if one word from dt matches with the input string then it should be “true”

Please take a look at this workflow, and let me know if you have any doubts.
ArrayToDTMatch.xaml (13.1 KB)

I have broken the loop once any word matches from the sentence.
Assumptions made, I have matched it irrespective of its case,
if you want to match with UpperCase LowerCase, however it is the way we receive, just remove the toLower Condition.


if the data is in single column then use this directly…this gives true or false

dt.AsEnumerable.Where(function(x) str.ToLower.Contains(x("ColumnName").ToString.ToLower)).count>0
