Hello guys,
First i need to check for the “original policy number” column if it is same it should Sum up the “net” column value and if the net is zero i want to remove both the row in the same excel.
wHello guys,
First i need to check for the “original policy number” column if it is same it should Sum up the “net” column value and if the net is zero i want to remove both the row in the same excel.
wCheck out this linq expression
GroupBy(Function(row) row("Original Policy Number").ToString()).
Where(Function(g) g.Sum(Function(row) Convert.ToDouble(row("Net"))) <> 0).
SelectMany(Function(g) g).
Hope this helps !
Hi @Gokul_Murali
Try this way:
1.Read the Excel file using Read Range.
2.Use LINQ to group data by original policy number and sum the net column ASSIGN ACTIVITY:
groupedData = dataTable.AsEnumerable().
GroupBy(Function(row) row(“original policy number”).ToString.Trim).
Select(Function(group) New With {
Key .PolicyNumber = group.Key,
Key .NetSum = group.Sum(Function(row) Convert.ToDecimal(row(“net”)))
3.Identify policy numbers with a total net of zero ASSIGN ACTIVITY.
policiesToRemove = groupedData.Where(Function(group) group.NetSum = 0).
Select(Function(group) group.PolicyNumber).ToList()
4.Remove rows with zero net using either ASSIGN ACTIVITY:
filteredData = dataTable.AsEnumerable().
Where(Function(row) Not policiesToRemove.Contains(row(“original policy number”).ToString.Trim)).
5.Write the updated data back to the Excel file using Write Range.
In this excel i forgot to tell you see the headers is in 2 rows so how can i mention the column name in that code.
since this is a fixed template we can’t change it
So is there any other way
Hey @Gokul_Murali
Use this LinQ: Changed a bit
dt_data= dt_data.AsEnumerable().Skip(1).GroupBy(Function(row) row("Original Policy Number").ToString).Where(Function(g) g.Sum(Function(row) Convert.ToDouble(row("Net"))) <> 0).SelectMany(Function(g) g).CopyToDataTable()
Ajay Mishra
Hi @Gokul_Murali
If its fixed template while using read range activity you can specify the range from the headers that is ex Excel.Sheet("Sheet2").Range("A2")
if You can show how your datatable looks like after reading it will be easier
Thank you
I have used “A7” row so it will take “Net” column name but in the next row of net column is empty
Iam getting error like this
Try this
dt_data = dt_data.AsEnumerable().Where(Function(x) Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x("Net").ToString))
dt_data =dt_data.AsEnumerable.GroupBy(Function(row) row("Original Policy Number").ToString()).
Where(Function(g) g.Sum(Function(row) Convert.ToDouble(row("Net"))) <> 0).
SelectMany(Function(g) g).
or if only first two lines are empty
GroupBy(Function(row) row("Original Policy Number").ToString()).
Where(Function(g) g.Sum(Function(row) Convert.ToDouble(row("Net"))) <> 0).
SelectMany(Function(g) g).
When i use the above code its not showing any error but not removing the duplicate value
My output
Check this
ForumSolutions.zip (9.7 KB)
Bro expressions are not clear in this image
@Gokul_Murali , here’s the xaml
Sequence.xaml (19.9 KB)
Document is showing invalid
@Gokul_Murali , go into Manage Packages and update all of them.
My Studio version is 2023.10.6
@Gokul_Murali , you are looking at a totally different xaml my friend. Close all your Studio files. Start a new Studio and open the attached xaml file, followed by updating all packages.