Can't get value when using Matches activities


I’m using regex to get value in string but when i get string ( this string is body mail of outlook) the result has “@” before String. if have that character i can’t using regex to get value i wan’t
I’ve test if i delete that character my regex activites will run correctly
Any idea to delete that one ?

Here is my regex test :

@LucastoH - I didn’t get you…Could you please explain with some example?

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i can’t update picture because company policy
You can check my test String in website test regex and will see in the top of string will have the character “@” before "

Then activities Matches in uipath or using regex by code in uipath can’t get value i want in that string


Can you try the following sample? (2.9 KB)

The pattern will be




it’s working :smiley: can you explant what you do in my pattern ?
many thanks


It’s line break matter. Your pattern :\r?\n\n works when the linebreak is LF, but not when the linebreak is CRLF. So it should be \r?\n\r?\n . This works in either LF or CRLF.


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oh noted, thank you so much :smiley:

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