@Pablito thanks for your input
I’ve checked the links you provided, and they are about sorting? I want to actually filter the table.
However, as @Palaniyappan mentioned my data from the dataTable does not seems to be in the “DateTime” format. It is loaded from a Excel sheet where the column is in the “Date” format. Can I somehow change the format for the column in the dataTable?
Here you are trying to change the value as string buddy PeriodEnd.ToString, while the PeriodEnd is been parsed to datetime…pass it as it is buddy like just PeriodEnd and i
hope the column Completion Date is of type datetime, so that would work buddy
I’ve tried that, but the result is not as expected. The filter does not seem to work. I tried to check the actual column data type with DT.Columns(22).DataType.ToString, and it is in System.Object. So I think that my issue is related to the column type?
So I realised the issue was related to the read range from excel sheet activity. I created a new sheet with the exact values instead of formulars and then it worked like a charm.