Can we take screen

can we take screenshot in test case

example : if Ui based test failed as selector not found and a click activity can we take screenshot in this scenario where we are not using the verify activities


Yes you can. Put your Ui based test logic in Try section and in Catch section invoke this workflow to take screenshot.

TakeScreenshot.xaml (8.5 KB)

Ashok :slight_smile:


in test cases you have the option to take and save screenshot when success or failed as well… Just using verify will do the job


@ashokkarale will this get added on test manager

@Anil_G yes we can but the issue is what if that fails at a set where we have not used this activity


The idea is to make this the final activity so that even if it fails or successfully runs we can capture the result


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You will have to add logic to get it added.

Ashok :slight_smile: