Can no longer start jobs from Orchestrator

I am running on Community version orchestrator and studio (release 2020.10.4 beta-1).

I can no longer run a process on my unattended robot from Orchestrator. The process is very simple, it only has one action which is a write line command.

The process is called “BB” …

When I try and run the job, I get the following message…

Failed to install package BB.1.0.3 (this is the latest version of the package published to Orchestrator)

I was previously able to do this with no problems…

Any ideas what could be wrong?

Hi @Tonycu

Make sure that package is installed to the machine
For that in UiPath Assisant, in process section refresh it and if u see the process name with download option (the process u need to run) download it and run it again

It will work. It should be automatically downloaded but sometimes due to some issues it will take some time to automatically get downoaded

Nived N
Happy Automation

Hi Nived

I published my process to C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages, it now allows me to execute the process from Orchestrator.

Many thanks :slight_smile:

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