Can I make a double "for each" loop?

Hi guys, I hope the solution to my question hasn’t appeared elsewhere.

So I have one folder that contains many other folders which has multiple text documents inside:
(3 layers in total: BIG FOLDER > Folder > many .txt)
And I want to extract information from ALL text files in all folders into one excel spreadsheet.

I already have a workflow with a “for each” loop to deal with only 1 folder of many text files, and it looks like this:

I first assigned a variable to the path of the folder, then I used a “for each” activity and passed the variable to it so that each item in the folder will perform a subsequent action.

Going back to my workflow, (BIG FOLDER > Folder > . txt), Is it possible to set up a loop so that for each text file in each folder in the BIG FOLDER can be looped? Eventually, I want all text folders be transcribed into an excel file

Hi @Ben_siu

Check Out the Variable Type of Files → It should be in Array(String)


also have a look here:


taken from:

maybe the nested loops can be avoided

Hi there, hope you are doing well. You can do something like given below

And I hope it will solve your issue


Hi, thanks for your answer.

May I know where I can find the “For each folder in folder” activity?

Hi @Ben_siu

In the Activities panel Go and check


Why don’t I see this activity? I am using Studio instead of studioX does that make a difference?

Update the Uipath.System.Activities in the manage package @Ben_siu

Thanks! I have the activity now! Thanks so much!

Great @Ben_siu

Do you have any other queries related to this topic

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Not for the time being, thanks for the help!

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Oh, sorry, one more thing.

My workflow looks like this now, is there a way to store the name of each file as a string as the loop goes? Should I use the assign activity to do so?

Here it is in the System activities

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Hi @Ben_siu

You can check the screenshot

Need to pass the extension → example “*.txt”

For getting the file name use → CurrentFile1.Tostring



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