Browser Closes on Default

Hi Guys, why does the browser auto close after the run. Is there a global setting to keep the browser window open / minimised rather than having to tick the checkbox everytime I create a new robot… ? Just seems to me the default should be keep open / minimised.

check if you are killing it anywhere in the code

Hi, a completely new totally blank process, I drag in browser, indicate application which is Chrome.
When I run it it opens Chrome then closes immediately, I have to change it in options pane “dont close”., just seems a bit odd or a bug ?

Hi, I could fix this by opening the settings of the project, Tap on "UI Automation Modern under activities settings, Then scroll down and tap on “Application/Browser” and under the “Close” section select “Never” on both options. Hope I helped! :smiley:



If you are using modern activities, by default browser is set to close. In properties of activity change to never or if app is opened, as you prefer.

@MikeC Try below one


If you are using modern activities by default browser is set to close.

In properties of activity change to never in close options


If You are using the modern design use Application\Browser Activity
Check the property panel Close Option and change the value to Never

Thank you