Best way to reduce a PDFs file size?

Essentially I want a lower size PDF file, even if it reduces quality. I’ve looked for other forum posts but cant find exactly what I’m looking for.

Hi @David_Hernandez2
The best approach in your scenario would be to follow these two steps -

  1. Install UiPath.PDF.Activities package.
  2. Use compress PDF Activity to reduce the size of the pdf, wherein your input for the activity would be the PDF File and the output would result in a compressed PDF.

And if the above approach does not meet your requirement, use an external third party tool to do the same.

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Hi @David_Hernandez2

Please check the workflow.

Sequence.xaml (7.5 KB)

In the invoked arguments please change the file path

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @David_Hernandez2

Check official document

Refer the below thread,

Check out this custom activity

Gowtham k

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