Bat file run

Hello all,

I want to run the batch file and its should change the system date. how I can do it in via uipath
using batch file as arguments.

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Use Start Process activity and provide batch file path and if any arguments are then provide that also.


Just create the start Process as @lakshman suggested and provide the path to the Bat file :slight_smile:

Hope this help, cheers :slight_smile:

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Ok bro but my question is like when I try to set the date its showing the error. may be my code error. so can you help me to solve how to set the date in batch file using powershell or cmd promopt

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hehe ok, can you pass the code so we can take a look at the bat file code

@Echo off
start “” system32\cmd.exe
start “” net stop w32time
start “” date

If you double click on your bat file, does it work ?

its working till net stop

Just keep the date in the bat file and try what happens?


and how are you passing the new date ???
I mean is it possible to do through the bat file ?


How are you passing that through UiPath?

start process activity

add a pause in the bat file and see, is it populating correctly on the bat file ?

@Abudhahir can you pass me the xaml file for reference ?

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