I’m having issues to publish a project.
I have converted the project from Legacy to Windows, me all the adjustments and activities changes necessary for the robot to run perfectly and it is all ok.
The problem is when I try to publish the package, the following errors are showing up, preventing me from completing the publishing.
I tried searching through the forum, but nothing helped me at all. The majority of posts I’ve seen with the same errors, they weren’t prevented from publishing like I am.
May anyone be able to help me? I really need to publish this bot and there’s no way I can revert back to Legacy, since I needed to add activities that are not available on Legacy projects.
Try to go to your nuget location and delete the packageswhich are showing error and reopne the project and check…this would download thos edependencies again
Also I see the activities are still on same versions did you happen to upgrade?
Also for publish try to go to home → setting and then toggle the workflow analyzer rules and validations off