Automation Testing

Can We use RPA in automation testing.

if its possible kindly explain how we implement RPA in automation testing.

As per my experience RPA can be used for automation testing. But not recommended by RPA vendors. They dont want any recognition in this space, but we are free to use. I have done a pilot, feel free to approach me for more details.

Dear @SriRam,

If i understand your Question ,you want to know that whether can we use RPA in Testing
yes you can use RPA in testing (precisely if you have all the scenarios ready with you and the relevant test data available in the structured format(in templatized version form of excel or db form) then you can use Uipath to do the testing

if you have already automated the testing features then probably ,you can run those automated scripts using RPA uipath (also you can schedule it as and when required to run )
also in addtion generate a standard reports of Output and send it across to the business

I hope this answers you query

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Obviously yes,
Its all depend on how intelligent automation testing framework you created for testing purpose.