Automation on Sharepoint folders

Hi, is there a way to automate sharepoint folders (not lists)

I have folders, sub folders and files within each sub folders and I want the bot to download those files and work on it. Once done I also want the BOT to upload it back to a sharepoint folder.

Any activities that can help with this. I am on UiPath 23.4 version

@prasath_S @Palaniyappan and others if you can help

Have a look at these activities

Hi @AdityaShivam

Check in Office365 package you can find the activities

above is the activity to get the file from sharepoint

Hope this may help you


I believe they all require UiPath to first authenticate to sharepoint right?

I keep getting ‘UiPath needs admin approval’ message

I believe they all require UiPath to first authenticate to sharepoint right?

I keep getting ‘UiPath needs admin approval’ message

Is there a way to bypass this ?

Hi @AdityaShivam

Had you register your application in azure and got the application ID and secret?


Hi @AdityaShivam

In order to use the Office 365 activities you need to authenticate. You can register a Azure App for it as describe here: