for anil remove duplicates with “status” pending
if “status” both of them are closed get the records with “final status” as review
delete the records with “final status” as closed.
if the “status” is open get all the records with “final status” as closed as well.
if both the “final status” is closed get one records with latest received
final result output
you can use remove duplicated,
1-Read range
2-Remove duplicate
3-Write Range
first i have to find the values in “id” column are repetative if they are repetative i need to remove based on the above conditions
yes, you need do this
how can i achieve it
you need to make a for each row, collect the id and put them in a collection, and put a if “if id exist in collection remove the line”
Hey @sameer_khan1
Sorry, The logic rules you mentioned above is not clear to me
Could you please clarify.
we find the values repetative in “id” columns that values are to be removes meaning entire row based on the conditions
for first conditions remove duplicates with “status” pending
if “status” both of them are closed get the records with “final status” as review
delete the records with “final status” as closed.
if the “status” is open get all the records with “final status” as closed as well.
if both the “final status” is closed get one records with latest received
final result output
- Rows with duplicate id values to be removed
- Rows with duplicate status as pending to be removed
- Delete the rows with status and final status as closed
- Filter the rows with final status as open
Little bit of understanding of mine above.
But still it is tough to crack.
What I will suggest is let’s focus one by one…
Can you point out first condition with which you can figure out the rest
removing duplicates is our agenda duplicates present
in “id” columns next are the conditions how can we remove it
we need to remove duplicates based on the conditions which i have mentioned
duplicates are id values repeated that repeated id values rows are to be removed based on the conditions i have mentioned in the above posts
if that id value is repeating…id value paired with status pending should be removed like that
Is it resolved brother ?
If not please post only the first condition you want to perform on the table.
- SortDataTable Desc (Since you need latest date)
- Filter datatable (With first date)
In the activity props just pass this condition : date = dt.Rows(0)(“date”) - Remove duplicates activity finally
Hey @sameer_khan1 ,
Try using this workflow
Main.xaml (12.5 KB)
input.xlsx (9.2 KB)
Expected Output: