Assign File Permissions to Directory

I believe I can use the Invoke Method to assign file permissions to a Directory/File Share

I have a variable set as

New FileSystemAccessRule(currentUserIdentity.Name, FileSystemRights.Read, InheritanceFlags.ObjectInherit Or InheritanceFlags.ContainerInherit, PropagationFlags.None, AccessControlType.Allow)

How do I assign these permissions to a Directory/File Share using the Invoke Method as I cannot seem to get the correct match of Target Type/Target Object and Method

Many thanks

Try these steps:

  1. Target Type: Choose the appropriate target type based on the object you are working with. For file permissions, you can typically use the System.IO.DirectoryInfo or System.IO.FileInfo types. Select the appropriate type based on whether you are assigning permissions to a directory or a file.
  2. Target Object: Provide the directory or file object to which you want to assign the permissions. This can be the path of the directory or file, or the actual DirectoryInfo or FileInfo object.
  3. Method: The method you need to use is GetAccessControl to retrieve the existing access control settings, and then SetAccessControl to apply the modified permissions.

Thanks for the above but I get the following

‘DirectoryInfo’ does not have a public static method named ‘SetAccessControl’ matching the parameter types, generic type arguments, and generic type constraints supplied to Invoke Method ‘Invoke Method ACL’

Same if I use FileInfo as TargetType