Assign : Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation with Datatable

Hi, I have this error message and can’t solve it :
“message”: “Nom fournisseur: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.”,

In my script I have :
Assign → NewRowforDTToWrite = DTtoWrite.NewRow
Assign → NewRowforDTToWrite(“Nomfournisseur”) = DTQUEUE.Rows(0).Item(1)
(I already try with a .ToString)

Where DTtoWrite is generate with a Build DataTable with the right headers and DTQUEUE is a DT from a Gsheet.

Thanks a lot for your help,



May I know the reason why you need this line,

If you need to create a new datarow then add it to a datatable, you can directly use Add DataRow activity.

Hi sarathi125,

I have Several assign like that after, i’m building this row with different value (from get text) and then write it