I would like to create a reusable function that assigns values to a DataTable according to a condition (I am not sure if it is possible for the condition to be an input argument, In order to reuse the same workflow without the condition)
If it’s possible, inside the workflow should be an If statement (if condition present in input):
Then: Assign activity with LINQ expression embedding the condition (intDataRowIndex > 1)
Row.Item(intRowItemIndex) = row.Item(2).ToString+row.Item(3).ToString+row.Item(4).ToString
Else: Assign activity with LINQ expression without condition
Row.Item(intRowItemIndex) = “=”+row.Item(1).ToString
- dtData
- isCondition
- intRowItemIndex (for the left hand value in the assign activity)
- for the right hand value in the assign activity, I’m tempted to set an array Of Type Object in input argument, like {“=”, 1, 2} (I would like some advices)
The script is like this