Assign: Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Double' is not valid. If the Value is null I want to assign it as 0

suggest a method to resolve it,I Want to assign 0 value if the column is empty,So suggest a proper method to get it

1.Read your excel with read range workbook activity… Create a variable like dt

  1. Take for each row activity and pass dt as input to that

  2. Inside the loop take If activity

If condition give like this
Assign: row(“YourColumnName”) = “0”
End If

This way you can add 0 to null column

Out Of the for each loop you can use the write range workbook activity to write to excel


Let me it’s working or not or you can share sample i will design work flow for you…!


Hi @Gopikrishna_S

=> Use Read Range Workbook acitvity to read the excel and store the output in an datatable.
=> Use a “For Each Row in DataTable” activity to loop through each row in the DataTable.
=> Inside the loop, use an “If” activity to check if the specific column is empty in the current row.

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentRow("ColumnName").ToString) Then
    CurrentRow("ColumnName") = "0"
End If

Replace "ColumnName" with the name of the column you want to check.
=> After modifying the DataTable inside the loop, you can use the “Write Range” activity to write the updated DataTable back to the Excel or CSV file.

Hope it helps!!

If: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled. getting this error

If: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled. getting this

Make you to give the double quotes properly @Gopikrishna_S . Remove the double quotes and give it again. It will solve the error.


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Please try this

requiredvalue = If(currentRow("ColumnName") is DBNull.Value,0,Cint(currentRow("ColumnName").ToString))


currentRow("ColumnName") = If(currentRow("ColumnName") is DBNull.Value,0,Cint(currentRow("ColumnName").ToString))


You can try like this

CurrentRow(“ColumnName”) =0

output :


You can try this both ways
in column name i have given values but you can mention your column name

for reference you can see the output :-


let me know its working or not for you

Hi @Gopikrishna_S

If you find solution for your query please mark it as solution to close the loop.

Happy Automation
