Append mail to excel file

I am having trouble appending a range to my excel sheet while getting emails. I am attempting to get an excel sheet to read email received dates, sender, and subject line. When the bot runs each time it should look for the unique sender and subject lines to determine if the email is already in the table and if not then to append to excel sheet and add any new emails.

I have tried a bunch of solutions like read ranges, write ranges, filter data table, and append range but nothing has worked so far. Would appreciate some expert assistance.

You have been given valid solutions in multiple threads. You shouldn’t keep creating new threads for the same question. If you want more detailed help, you have to give us more details. Post screenshots of what you tried that isn’t working.

The reason for the multiple threads is because none of the solutions have actually been solutions that work for my use case. I cannot give screenshots due to the nature of the bot, however I have tried read ranges and then rewriting everything back each time, but no success and the append ranges seem to duplicate everything twice.