I am using an assign to assign jason object to variable:
I am getting the following error:
Assign: Cannot access child value on Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue
I think there is a problem with how I am accessing the properties.
This is the json response:
““totalRecords””: 2,
““entityData””: [
““repsAndCerts””: {
““certifications””: null,
““qualifications””: null,
““financialAssistanceCertifications””: null,
““pdfLinks””: null
““repsAndCerts””: {
““certifications””: {
““fARResponses””: [
““provisionId””: "“FAR 09-2"”,
““listOfAnswers””: [
““section””: "“c.1"”,
““questionText””: ““company?””,
““answerId””: "“72"”,
““answerText””: ““No””,
““country””: null,
““company””: null,
““highestLevelOwnerCage””: null,
““immediateOwnerCage””: null,
““personDetails””: null,
““pointOfContact””: null,
““architectExperiencesList””: ,
““disciplineInfoList””: ,
““endProductsList””: ,
““foreignGovtEntitiesList””: ,
““formerFirmsList””: ,
““fscInfoList””: ,
““jointVentureCompaniesList””: ,
““laborSurplusConcernsList””: ,
““naicsList””: ,
““predecessorsList””: ,
““samFacilitiesList””: ,
““samPointsOfContactList””: ,
““servicesRevenuesList””: ,
““softwareList””: ,
What am I doing wrong…