Hi @Sachin_Tayade,
Apologies for a delayed answer, but as I mentioned in the post above
Serializing → Encrypting —> Decrypting → Deserialize will work quite fast for large datatables as well. I have tested this on a Datatable with 8200 rows and two columns and it takes 3 seconds to achieve what I was looking for.
Here is a solution I have come up with for a dispatcher which needs to send encrypted data to queue and performer to decrypt and Deserialize the string to a Datatable:
The .xaml and sample .xlsx file:
EncryptColumnsImprovedApproach.zip (23.9 KB)
Your case
According to me, you will have to still use the old approach I posted (the question I first asked has an .xaml file which you can use) It will be a slow execution, but given your request of converting every single value in the Database to an encrypted value the method I propose as an improvement will not work for you. This is because I convert the read table to a string and then encrypt that string.
I suggest you try both approaches and then decide which one suits your case better.
Hope this helps!