AI Center Standalone Installation Error Provisioning uipath->ai center on ArgoCD


I am blocked installing AI Center Stand Alone - Single Node on Our EC2.
The command below, Step 4: no.4 on Installation procedure
Version: 2022.4.0

./ --accept-license-agreement --install-standalone-aicenter -i cluster_config.json -o output.json -s

stops at log:
Parameter Validation Passed
[INFO] [2023-08-02T13:16:40+0000]: Presync checks succeeded
[INFO] [2023-08-02T13:16:40+0000]: Waiting for uipath app to become healthy...try 0/1
[INFO] [2023-08-02T13:17:14+0000]: [Products] [Completed] Installing aicenter
[INFO] [2023-08-02T13:17:14+0000]: [Products] [Started] Installing documentunderstanding

Upon checking in alm.{{fqdn}} [ArgoCD], i checked the app → UiPath (degraded, out of sync)-> aicenter (degraded)
The error on aicenter application was:

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Manifest generation error (cached): `helm template .
--namespace uipath
--kube-version 1.21
--values /tmp/helmxxx/aicenter/values.yaml
--values /tmp/helmxxx/aicenter/values-standalone.yaml
--values /tmp/values-xxx.yaml
<removed other params>
failed exit status 1: Error: YAML parse error on aicenter/templates/aicenter-preflight-checks.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 45: 
did not find expected key 
Use --debug flag to render out invalid YAML

Please help check, or if anyone can point me where to get or view aicenter/templates/aicenter-preflight-checks.yaml so atleast i can check what does the script do to throw the error.
Thank you!

late update:
fixed by adding the only external orchestrator and identity link on the cluster_config.json,

somehow the step 3.2 in installation is causing the issue as the link is in html.

"aicenter": {
  "orchestrator_url":"**<a href=""></a>**",
  "identity_server_url": "<**a href=""></a>**",
  "orchestrator_cert_file_path": "</opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/orch.cer or custom path>",
  "identity_cert_file_path":  "</opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/orch.cer or custom path>",
  "identity_access_token": "<placeholder will be replaced later>"
  "metering_api_key": "<placeholder will be replaced later>"

issue fixed after applying the below

"aicenter": {
  "identity_server_url": "",
  "orchestrator_cert_file_path": "</opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/orch.cer or custom path>",
  "identity_cert_file_path":  "</opt/UiPathAutomationSuite/orch.cer or custom path>",
  "identity_access_token": "<placeholder will be replaced later>"
  "metering_api_key": "<placeholder will be replaced later>"

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