After conversion to Windows - Send Mail Activity gives Send Mail: Expression Activity type 'VisualBasicValue`1' requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled

its a straightforward Send Mail Activity under Microsoft office 365 Scope - After conversion to Windows it is giving the following error:

Send Mail: Expression Activity type ‘VisualBasicValue`1’ requires compilation in order to run. Please ensure that the workflow has been compiled.

To : {“”, “”}
Subject : “just text”

Body: “Hi


Total Row Count " +DTChanges.Rows.Count.ToString + “


######### ########## ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### Close_Date ##### ##### ###### #####


Thank you!”

Hello @ton_roelandse

Was it working earlier and facing this issue after the migration to windows from windows-legacy?

If yes, can you try updating all the dependent packages from the manage package.


Hi - yes - it was working prior to upgrade -

All packages have been updated

Please check whether any mandatory field is missing after the upgrade.


All fields (mandatory or otherwise) appears to be there - in the scope as well as the activity…

At a loss…

Search the forum. Tons of posts on this error. It has something to do with the quotes you used. Always search before posting.

this is the text in the body of message -

used XXX to block identifiable info


Attaching a similar kind of error, but happened for a different scenario. Can you share if there are any expressions used.


I did see that one as well - but no expressions used in this send email -

Only +DTChanges.Rows.Count.ToString - to display row count number in HTML email body

and tmpFailArray.tostring to display a string

When I take both of these out of the body - the error stays the same…

That’s an expression.

After some trail and error it seems that the failure occurs because of tmpFailArray.tostring in the body…

For now I removed this as it is more an FYI than a true process need.

This issue may appear after the migration.

You need to Re enter all the expression in that activity. It have an Double quotation issue ""

So reenter the syntax again and check it.

Check out this thread

Subject : "just text"

You can find the different of the double quotation

Subject : “just text”
