Using this data, I have to take some actions and am (please) looking for advice on the most efficient way of doing this
Under the column ‘Account Number’ I need to make up each account number to 10 digits by adding 0’s in front of the number. So for ‘4544’ I would need to add six zeros for ‘12’ I would need to add eight zeros.
I thought I could use a while loop where the length < 10 and add zeros. However I have seen this C# command - public string PadLeft (int totalWidth, char paddingChar);
Could I use this? how would I use code to ensure that each number is made up to ten digits?
Under Payment Account, I need to add a decimal place before the last 2 digits e.g 200.02 and 100.02 etc and I also need to add a £ at the beginning e,g £200.02 and £100.02. What would be the quickest way of doing this?
@Palaniyappan you are always super hopeful, I hope you don’t mind me asking tagging you