Add Dictionary key Value to data table

I have variables CompanyName,Expenditure,Total Value variables in the dictionary of the format New Dictionary(Of String, Tuple(Of String, String)) From {{“ABC”, New Tuple(Of String, String)(“1236”,“6786”)}} and so on…i want my output in excel as

(Here Expenditure and total is the main header under which the column company is the sub header)


Create your dictionary as you’ve mentioned.

Use Build Data Table Create an empty DataTable with columns “Company”, “Expenditure”, and “Total”.

For Each (Key-Value) in Dictionary: Iterate through the dictionary.

Add Data Row: Add a row to the DataTable for each company.
Company: Key
Expenditure: Value.Item1
Total: Value.Item2
Write the DataTable to an Excel file.


Hey @tazunnisa.badavide ,

Kindly try the below code

Dim dictionaryValues = New Dictionary(Of String, Tuple(Of String, String)) From {{"1", New Tuple(Of String, String)("123","678")}}

For Each kvp As KeyValuePair(Of String, Tuple(Of String, String)) In dictionaryValues
   Dim dataRow As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
   dataRow("Expenditure") = kvp.Key
   dataRow("Total") = kvp.Value.Item1

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Hope it helps you !

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