Good afternoon, I hope you are doing great, I need your help and experience, I am having issues trying to build a datatable that will contains the record of all the items worked by the bot, but in the first iteration, it throw me that message
I am adding to a new datatable the info from a previous scrapped datatable and adding new columns to the datatable that will be the master record. The datatables are the following:
-ExtractDatatable: It is the datatable scrapped from the software I am automating
-Dt_ FilteredExceptions: it is a datatable that contains just the columns and info I need to record in the master record file
-Dt_Exceptions: datatable that will contain the info from the filtered exceptions and also extra columns added
Please let me know if I need to provide extra info, I would really appreciate your help
Welcome to the community buddy @gcruzonq slight_smile:
Can you do the following…
Output DT and then print it and see if the DT has the data ?
Thank you, I already made this and I could fix the mistake, so I will mark this anwer as a solution and you can close this topic
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