Add Data Row - input array is longer than the number of columns in this table

Hello, I have problem with adding rows into table.
When I try with Add Data Row activity, I’m getting error:
" Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table" although CurrentRow has same number of columns like table tabelaZaBrisanje

Do you have idea what else can couse this error?

hI @Olivera_Kalinic

Check you build datatable once and verify whether you have missed anything there?


Your AddData Row array row should just be CurrentRow.ItemArray - no need to pass it into another array

The error message tells you the problem. The number of columns in your datatable is not the same as the number of columns in the row you’re trying to add.

Hi @Olivera_Kalinic ,

There is a mismatch in the schema which can be easily verified by executing this in the Immediate Panel:


Could you check that and let us know?

Kind Regards,
Ashwin A.K

Am Still getting the same error