Add Column Headers to Existing Datatable

I have one datatable which contains only headers for my table (like Country, Sales, target etc.)

And I have another datatable which has the table values for the given colum headers(like India, 5000rs, 6000rs etc.)

I want to combine this two datatables into one so I can get Column headers for the values of existing table with values.

I tried using merge datatable activity but the column headers are not above the values instead the are aside the values table and not over them.

Please Help, Thankyou!
(find the images attached below of expected output)

Hi @poojan.shah1 ,
Can you share your file input and expect output?
by image pls
I think can use append range or write with no header to original

How about this?
The first “read range” has the option AddHeaders.
The assigns in the “For Each”:
ValuesDT.Columns(ColumnNumber).ColumnName = Column.ColumnName
ColumnNumber = ColumnNumber + 1

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Try with append range activity

Use excel application scope inside use read range activity for reading the data which has data

Below read range use append range activity and pass the read range output

This will work if the two sheets are in same excel file.


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Hi @poojan.shah1 ,
I created the similar you

my code (61.9 KB)


Just use write range with add headers option unchecked and range as A2 or append range also should do


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