Add attributes to XML tag

Hi folks,

I already achived to write the correct XML tag with the invoke-Method.

But how can I add additional values to this tag, like this

Thanks four your assistance and feedback. :wink:



Can you try WriteAttributeString method?


Hi @Yoichi,

thanks for your quick reply. But I am afraid at this point I do not know how to use this method. :frowning:

I came so far with the help from this post How to create/generate XML out of datatable - #6 by vvaidya and I adopted it to my requirement.

Would you be so kind to give me a little bit more assistance or can you tell me how I have to use the recommended mehtod in my screenshot above?



Can you try as the following image?

You can also add Code attribute and Agent attribute as the above way.


Thanks @Yoichi. This works perfekt :+1:

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