Activation of UI path Community Edition

Installer(.exe or .msi): .exe

License type(Free, Trial/License code): License code

Studio/Robot version: 2019.4.4

Current behavior: i am unable to activate my UI Path community edition. when i use activate using Stand-Alone Device it doesnt allow me to activate.i have trial code but when i use the Activate code and put it in uipath activation portal it says Subscription expired.

can someone please help me how to do it?



When you received this UIpath license code ?

Is anyone used this code before ?

Hi @mukulkshatriya

About the trial license, it looks like the valid period have expired. However you should be able to activate your community edition license. If you standalone option doesn’t work, try using the “Orchestrator” option where it takes the license from the Orchestrator. For this, you should have a configured and connected Orchestrator with your local robot.

Check it out and let me know how it goes