Access Denied Issue while trying to create new users in Active directory

Hi ,

Trying to create a new user in AD but while creating its throwing error as Access denied. Manually we are trying to create user in AD and also the user location we are providing is correct cross checked in AD explorer regarding the Path. The flow is correct but throwing error as Access Denied.

Please help on this

@Airun Could you please help me with the resolution.

Thanks in Advance.

Hi @Kalavathi_BAYAPUREDDY_SAN, I’m sorry for the delay, I’m so busy and sometimes I don’t have time to check the forum.

Are you still facing the issue or is it finally solved?
If you are still facing the issue, can you provide screenshots of the flow to check it?

From my side, to connect to my company’s AD I use Orchestrator for credentials. I’ve created an Asset on Orchestrator with my Windows credentials, on the workflow, I use a “Get credential” activity to get it, I store username and password on variables and I use those variables on the “Active Directory Scope” activity in combination with the server IP Address (On the “ActiveDirectoryServer” properties field of the activity) to log in:

Note: The IP address of the server must be inserted with double quotes on the properties field of the activity.