2 Datatable difference

I have 2 datatable which are quit similar in columns

It has similar rows too … I need the rows which are not similar with other datatable

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did we try with JOIN DATATABLE activity
Cheers @Sweety_Girl

Can we get only the dis similar data thu that

What type of join you have tried in Join DataTable activity? @Sweety_Girl

Hi @Sweety_Girl,

Try this,


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hmm…ok to get the dissimilar data, join datatable is not the right one…
fine are we comparing the entire row or with any specific column
Cheers @Sweety_Girl

datatable 1:

No name age place
1 a d
2 b e
3 c f

No name age place
1 a d
2 b e
3 c f
4 x g

I need the output as

No name age place
4 x g


UnmatchedRows.xaml (10.9 KB)


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