1 to Yes and 0 to No in Excel

Main.xaml (9.7 KB)

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and one more request, I want these two changes in another column. i.e h and i.
I don’t want to change these two rows in the same field.
If possible please, please suggest

you want to Shift Employee Column to Another Column and change ??

Yes, right

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okay,i’ll try attaching workflow soon

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May I know the issue you were facing with this


Hii Palaniyappan,

Your workflow completes my requirement.
Many many thanks. :slight_smile:



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Hii Padeep,

Palaniyappan workflow fulfilled my requirement.

Thank you for your always prompt reply.

Can you please explain the below two lines:

  1. β€œF”+(dt.Rows.IndexOf(row)+2).ToString

  2. IF(row(1).ToString.Contains(β€œYes”),β€œ1”,β€œ0”).ToString

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This is to mention the cell range in WRITE CELL activity for F column where dt.Rows.IndexOf(row) gives the row index of current row in iteration of FOR EACH ROW activity and we add plus 2 to match with excel row
Usually row index in datatable starts from 0 but we need to start writing from 2nd row in excel
So adding plus 2

And for this

This is a short way to use IF condition where if this conditions satisfies

It will give us Yes
Or gives us No


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Got it

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Have a Great day @SAHIL_PANDITA