Trying to Create a Tab-delimited Text File Using the UIPath.CSV.Activities.WriteCSVFile - Error

Running a local robot, I can use any of the delimiter options for the Write CSV action (tab, comma, semi-colon, caret, pipe), and they all work successfully.

Trying to run as a scheduled task on one of our Robot servers, I get the following results:
Pipe: “Invoke GatherData: UiPath.Core.Activities : Failed to create a ‘Delimitator’ from the text ‘Pipe’.”
Caret: “Invoke GatherData: UiPath.Core.Activities : Failed to create a ‘Delimitator’ from the text ‘Caret’.”
Tab: “Invoke GatherData: UiPath.Core.Activities : Failed to create a ‘Delimitator’ from the text ‘Tab’.”

The Semicolon and comma options didn’t cause an error, but I need the tab delimited file for another application to consume correctly…

Driving me crazy trying to find out what the difference is between the two environments. Checked Excel version, both running x64 Windows 10, the UIPath package is the same.