So here’s a solution that will work once I know how best to convert a data row into text variables .
When a match is found in the data table read in, then write the row (as data values) to a file (rather than try to use another table). I could use a “Get row item” for every column in the data table then construct a string by concatenating all the elements returned. I wondered whether there’s a way of assigning all the data values of a data row to an array of strings to avoid umpteen calls to “Get row item”. I’ll still need to construct an output string (that includes comma separators) using the array, though. So, ideally, there’s some way of achieving the following conceptual result:
strRowOutput = row.datatableConvertRowToString
eg, for a row in a CSV file that looks like: “Aaa,Bbb,Ccc,Ddd,Eee,Fff,Ggg,Hhh,Ijk,Jlm,Lmn,Mno,Nopq,Okk,Plk”,
strRowOutput can be set to “Aaa,Bbb,Ccc,Ddd,Eee,Fff,Ggg,Hhh,Ijk,Jlm,Lmn,Mno,Nopq,Okk,Plk” in a single call.